有影?travel Japan to Give Away 10,000 Free Flights to Tourists in 2012By: Allison Berry Topics: earthquake, free airfare, free flights, Fukushima-Daiichi, japan, 小額信貸japan tourism agency, Tourism, travelTom Bonaventure / The Image Bank / Getty ImagesIn an effort to bolster its ailing tourism industry, Japan is making it very 禮服enticing for travelers to visit. (via Moneyland) 因旅遊業大受影響, 日本將送出一萬張免費機票, 但要線上申請, 還有吃住自理還有...還有... The Japan Tourism Agency 機車借款plans to ask prospective travelers to submit online applications for free airfare. The 10,000 selected will be required to pen a report upon completion of the 太平洋房屋trip, which will be published online. This (hopefully positive) word-of-mouth is intended as a way to get some good press for the beleaguered country. 景觀設計Participants will be responsible for their own lodging, food, and ancillary expenses.“Since the earthquake, the number of visitors has dropped drastically, so 售屋網to make an impact we think it's necessary to have this many people (10,000) come to Japan,” Shuichi Kameyama, a Japan Tourism Agency official, told the Wall 找房子Street Journal. The number of foreign tourists dropped 50% year-over-year in the three months following March's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, and 小型辦公室spending by foreign visitors declined about 47% in the same period. Tourism began to pick up slightly over the summer, but is still far from median 個人信貸levels.(PHOTOS: Japan: Six Months After the Earthquake and Tsunami)The initiative Read more: 褐藻醣膠

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